Guest Reader Day

Fri, 04/05/2019 - 8:23am


Guest Reader Day is Tuesday, April 9th! Students are looking forward to welcoming guest readers. Class schedule's are booked, and that is a GREAT problem to have!!!  If you signed up to read, you should have received an email from Mrs. Volz confirming your time. If you did not, please contact her as soon as possible! If an schedule change arises and you can no longer come at your scheduled time, please reach out to Mrs. Volz immediately for several readers are on a wait list. Guest readers should sign in the front office with your driver's licenses and then check the master schedule displayed in front hallway. Initial your name to confirm your attendance and then make a name tag for you to wear in your child's classroom. You can go directly to your assigned classroom or take a few minutes to enjoy coffee and refreshments in the conference room. There will also be a plethora of books on display for you to borrow and read.

Who doesn't love basking in the sun? Who doesn't love reading outside on a beautiful day? Then, why not do both! If you, your family, or your child is having some fun in the sun with a good read, snap a picture or selfie and email to or send to school with your student.  Pictures could include reading while on vacation, reading in your backyard, reading outside during a sporting event, reading together during a picnic, etc. Mrs. Volz will put all photos of staff and students on the FUN IN THE SUN bulletin board. We cannot wait to see all the fun students are having with a great read!