Important News

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PTA Conference Dinner for Staff

Fri, 01/29/2016 - 4:05pm

We will again be serving our wonderful teachers dinner during next...
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Conference Bake-Sale

Fri, 01/29/2016 - 4:04pm

Grade 5 is hosting a bake sale for ONE DAY ONLY during parent...
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Arrival and Dismissal

Fri, 01/29/2016 - 4:02pm

As of this writing, sidewalks are clear and we no longer need to...
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No More Juice Bag Upcycling

Fri, 01/22/2016 - 12:38pm

As we continue to promote a waste-free Green School at AES, the...
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Jump Rope for Heart

Fri, 01/15/2016 - 1:53pm

On Thursday February 11th our students will jump into the fight...
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Attention 5th Grade Parents

Fri, 01/15/2016 - 1:52pm

Information about the 6th grade world language and music...
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Family Folk Night

Fri, 01/15/2016 - 1:52pm

Please join us for Family Folk Night with crafts, games, dances,...
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Arrival Reminders

Fri, 01/15/2016 - 1:51pm

Please do not drop your children off at school prior to 9:00 unless...
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PTA Meeting Monday Night

Fri, 01/08/2016 - 10:30am

Please join us for our monthly PTA meeting on Monday evening at 7pm...
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Winter Parent-Teacher Conferences

Fri, 01/08/2016 - 10:29am

Math parent-teacher conferences will take place on February 4th and...
