New Student Registration Information & 15/16 Supply List

During the summer, new families may register on Wednesdays between 9 and 2 or by appointment.  Call the school at 410-313-6853.

Please bring the following with you to register your student:

  • Parent picture ID
  • Signed, original lease or deed with signatures
  • One of the following with parent's name and address on it:
    • current telephone bill (non-cellular)
    • current gas & electric bill
    • current cable bill
  • Student's proof of birth (birth certificate, passport/visa, physicians certificate, bapttismal or church certification, hospital certificate, parents affidavit, birth registration)
  • Proof of custody (divorce settlement papers, court papers, adoption papers)
  • Student's current proof of immunization

Please click on the link below to see our supply list for the 15-16 school year.

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