AES Outdoor Lunch Option

Dear Atholton families,

Last week a message was sent detailing several updates related to the start of the 2021-2022 school year.  Below is additional information regarding cafeteria updates that was shared with the community on Friday, August 20. 

AES will offer an outdoor lunch option for students as weather and staffing permits.  We will keep the community updated as the plan is developed.

Please help us plan by completing this form by noon on Wednesday, August 25.

Please complete a form for each child.  

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Holden or Mrs. Krabiin at 410-313-6853 or by email at or


Dr. Holden & Mrs. Krablin

Cafeteria Updates (August 20th Message)

There are several updates related to cafeteria protocols to further reduce the risk of the spread of COVID-19. All schools will have outdoor eating spaces available on campus for student use as weather and staffing permits to lessen the number of students in the cafeteria. In an effort to maintain a healthy environment in cafeterias, the following actions are being implemented: 

  • Additional tables have been ordered and will be distributed to schools to help ensure outside eating areas are furnished as well as to allow maximum spacing indoors. 

  • Based on the availability of products from vendors, large tents that are compliant with local code will be provided to elementary schools to increase outdoor dining spaces. We anticipate a number of tents will be in place to begin the school year with additional tents being provided in September.

  • Plexiglass shields for indoor cafeteria tables are being secured for grades k-6 where students are largely unable to be vaccinated. These panels will provide additional protection between students who are unable to be vaccinated while eating when masks cannot be worn.