Notice of Pesticide Application

Thu, 05/19/2022 - 11:36am

Message from HCPSS Grounds Services

To:       All Staff and the Parent of ALL STUDENTS

From:   Brandon Sands, Grounds Services Manager

RE:      Pesticide Application  


The purpose of this memorandum is to serve notice that the Grounds Service Department has scheduled a pesticide application to control Canadian Thistle in the environmental areas. Specifically, this is a spot application in the Storm Water Management Areas, Reforestation Areas, and along woods line where the weeds are present. The date for the application will be the weekend June 4-5, 2022.

If unfavorable weather conditions or other extenuation circumstances arise, the intended pesticide application may have to be delayed or postponed to a later date. If the application cannot be made within 14 days of the original planned date a new notice will be issued.

All precautions will be taken to ensure the safety of students and staff however, state laws require that the following statement be included in this letter. The office of Pesticide Programs of the United States Environmental Protection Agency has stated that: “Where possible, persons who potentially are more sensitive, such as pregnant women and infants (less than two-years old), should avoid any unnecessary pesticide exposure.”

A summary of the potential adverse effect of the pesticides is below.  Copies of any Material Safety Data Sheet and/or label for any pesticide being applied may be obtained by calling the school office. Should you have any questions regarding your school’s application date please contact Brandon Sands at (410) 313-2577. Question about school notification should be addressed to Marcie Hardin (410)-313-7180.


Notification is hereby made that an application of the pesticide shown below  was made on this site to control Canadian Thistle

School Name:                      Atholton Elementary School

Date:                                    June 4th and 5th 2022

Application Locations:       Environmental Areas

PRODUCT NAME:   Lontrel                       

COMMON NAME:    Clopyralid



Eye:   May cause very slight temporary corneal injury. Vapor may cause irritation experienced as mild discomfort and redness. Skin: Prolonged contact may cause moderate skin irritation with local redness. Prolonged skin contact is unlikely to result in absorption of harmful amounts. Ingestion: Very low toxicity if swallowed. Inhalation: Vapor concentrations are attainable which could be hazardous on single exposure.

Copies of Material Safety Data Sheet and /or label for any pesticide being applied may be obtained by calling the school office.