Flu season is in full swing and we have had a few reported cases at AES. A stomach virus has also been reported at many HCPSS schools. This is a reminder that good hand washing and covering sneezes and coughs with tissues and sleeves are essential steps to preventing the spread of "germs." Also, remember that despite concerns about school attendance, your children's health (and the health of other children) is most important of all. For this reason, we ask you to please:
In addition to colds and flu, winter is often a time when head lice (pediculosis) is seen. Please be aware of persistent head scratching and check your child's hair. Divide the hair in sections and look for lice or nits (hatched egg casings) attached to the hair shaft, pay special attention to areas around the ears and nape of neck. Lice are about the size of a sesame seed and are grayish/brown. They will scatter when you expose them to light, so if you think you saw one, you probably did. Remember, head lice do not carry disease and are in no way a reflection of a person's hygiene or cleanliness. Please refer to the CDC website for more information on head lice (pediculosis) www.cdc.gov/lice/
Thank you very much for helping keep all our students healthy!