Important News

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Changes in Dismissal and Late Arrivals

Fri, 09/08/2017 - 11:21am

If there is a change during the school day, please call the school. Students that arrive after 9:15 must be walked into school by an adult.
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HCPSS Connect / Family File

Fri, 09/08/2017 - 11:16am

Our goal is to have 100% of our parents/guardians complete/update the Family File. We are 29 students away from reaching our goal!
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Grocery Store Rewards Programs

Fri, 09/08/2017 - 11:11am

The grocery store school rewards programs are ready for renewal.
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Important Message from HCDrugFree

Fri, 09/08/2017 - 10:39am

We encourage you to take a few moments to view this important parent message regarding drug abuse within our county. Thank you.
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We are off to a GREAT Start!

Fri, 09/08/2017 - 10:37am

We had a great first week of school! We opened our school doors and welcomed 488 smiling faces.
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Notes from the PTA

Thu, 09/07/2017 - 12:15pm

Join PTA --- Upcoming PTA Meeting --- Back to School Picnic
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First Day of School Information and Reminders

Fri, 09/01/2017 - 12:14pm

Arrival and Dismissal information / Transportation / Volunteers / Family File
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Welcome Back!

Mon, 08/28/2017 - 12:42pm

We are excited! September is here, and we would like to welcome new and returning Atholton families to a new school year.
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Kindergarten Happenings

Wed, 07/26/2017 - 12:39pm

Kindergarten Orientation .../... Howard County Public Library News & Events
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Enjoy the Summer Break!

Thu, 06/15/2017 - 1:14pm

It's hard to believe that another year has flown by. Thank you for a great school year—we’ll see you at the Open House on August 31st!
